Patron Circle
Welcome to the Patron Circle, a place for music fans to provide additional financial support for the Gotham Jazz Festival and NY Hot Jazz Camp. Your tax deductible contributions allow us to produce the Festival at its highest level, and help us create a thriving jazz community with educational & showcase opportunities for NYHJC students, NYHJC Alumni, and professionals year round.
Patrons receive exclusive perks, and will be able to meet and greet select artists not only during the 2024 festival, but at two special events prior to The Festival (see below).
Patron Circle Chair: Judy Stewart
Special Patron Events
• COCKTAIL PARTY on Wednesday, April 10th (6:30pm to late) with mingling in reserved section and live music starting at 7:30pm at the gorgeous nightclub, Somewhere Nowhere.
• PATRON GALA on Saturday, April 27th a special private event from 6-8pm, at Greenwich House Music School, featuring top musicians, such as pianist Aaron Diehl, and artist talkbacks led by Bria Skonberg.
NOTE: Individual tickets may be purchased for PATRON GALA, even if not part of Patron Circle… click below < BUY GALA TICKETS >
Gala tickets included for Patrons above $500 level
• 1x VIP Ticket to Festival w/premium seating, access to VIP room, 1hr Champagne Toast & Artist Conversation
• 1x invite to Cocktail Party & Mingle with Festival All Stars on April 10th (includes one drink)
• Name in printed Festival Program as founding member of Patron Circle
All donations levels below include the previous perks, plus…
• 1x Invite to Patron’s Gala on April 27th w/Cocktails, Artist Conversation & Concert
$1,000 ARTIST’s CLUB
• 2x Tickets/Invites to each event listed.
• Sponsorship of a Band at Festival
• 4x Tickets/Invites to each event listed.
• Private in-home concert featuring Festival All Stars
• 6x Tickets/Invites to each event listed.
All Patron Circle donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE (minus cost of $129 per VIP Ticket).
You will receive an accurate receipt (letter) for tax purposes for both your tickets & your Patron Circle contribution
The Festival is co-produced by Prohibition Productions and the NY Hot Jazz Camp.
Donations for the Gotham Jazz Festival are fiscally sponsored through NY Hot Jazz Camp, a 501 (c)3 charity organization. It is part of the mission of the NY Hot Jazz Camp to use tax-deductible donations for the showcasing of work by their attendees, instructors and scholarship awardees.
To join the Patron Circle:
• Go to our Eventbrite Ticketing Page and scroll to bottom to DONATIONS, add any amount! If over $300 someone will followup with details, Festival & Gala Ticket(s), and tax deductible letter.
• Download the Application Form [click here], email it to us & make donation via Paypal, or
• Download the Application Form [click here] and mail it to us with your donation by check, or
• call 1-860-HotJazz & someone from the Festival will follow up, or
• fill out the contact form below,
To make a direct donation through Paypal [click here] and specify “Patron Circle”
(PayPal account is with NY Hot Jazz Camp)